中国临床解剖学杂志 ›› 2013, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (5): 543-546.

• 断层影像解剖 • 上一篇    下一篇


殷小平1, 李秋平1, 郑亚亭1, 王慧荣1, 王志尊2, 田笑1   

  1. 河北大学附属医院 1.CT/MRI室, 2. 心脏科,   河北   保定    071000
  • 收稿日期:2013-04-01 出版日期:2013-09-25 发布日期:2013-10-16
  • 作者简介:殷小平(1978-)女,河北徐水人,硕士,副主任医师,从事体部CT及MR诊断,Tel:0312-5981899
  • 基金资助:


An analysis of measuring  pericardial and epicardial adipose volume in normal adults using multi-slice CT

YIN Xiao-ping1, LI Qiu-ping1,ZHENG Ya-ting1, WANG Hui-rong1, WANG Zhi-zun2, TIAN xiao1   

  1. 1.CT/MRI Room, 2. Department of Cardiology, Affiliated Hospital of Hebei University, Baoding 071000, Hebei Province, China
  • Received:2013-04-01 Online:2013-09-25 Published:2013-10-16


目的 探讨正常成年人心周脂肪及心外膜脂肪体积参考值范围。  方法 采用64层螺旋CT对200名正常成年人心周脂肪体积、心外膜脂肪体积、胸壁下脂肪厚度及体重指数进行定量研究,并对性别、年龄分组比较,行统计学分析。  结果    在不同性别间心周脂肪组织体积及胸膜下脂肪厚度差别有统计学意义(P<0.05),而心外膜脂肪体积及体重指数之间差别无统计学意义(P>0.05)。不同年龄组间,除女性>50岁组与≤50岁组之间心周脂肪体积及心外膜脂肪体积之间差别有统计学意义(P<0.05),女性不同年龄组胸壁下脂肪厚度、体重指数以及男性组间各项指标差别均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。  结论    多层螺旋CT能准确测量心周脂肪体积及心外膜脂肪体积,为临床进一步研究心血管疾病提供参考。

关键词: 心周脂肪, 心外膜脂肪, 参考值, 体层摄影术, X线计算机


Objective To explore the reference value of  pericardial  adipose  volume(PAV) and epicardial adipose volume (EAV) in normal adults. Methods The parameters of PAV, EAV, subthoracic wall fat thickness (SWFT) and BMI of 200 adluts were measured with 64-slice spiral CT and comparion within groups of both genders and different age was carried out. The data were analyzed with statistics. Results It showed significant difference (P<0.05)between PAV and SWFT and no significant difference between EAV and BMI in different sex groups. Except that PAV and EAV of the group with age greater than 50 was higher than the group less than 50 ages in women (P<0.05), there was no significant difference in the rest of parameters of SWFT and BMI in different age groups in women and all parameters in different age groups in men(P>0.05). Conclusions PAV and EAV can be measured accurately with multi-slice spiral CT and further provide reference for clinic cardiovascular diseases. 

Key words:  Pericardial adipose, Epicardial adipose, Reference value, Tomography, X-ray computed
