中国临床解剖学杂志 ›› 2013, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (4): 384-388.

• 应用解剖 • 上一篇    下一篇


吴胜林1,    齐向东2, 赵卉1, 秦建增1, 钟世镇3   

  1. 1.南方医科大学研究生学院,  广州   510515; 2.广州军区广州总医院整形外科,  广州   510010;
    3.南方医科大学解剖学教研室,  广州   510515
  • 收稿日期:2013-03-01 出版日期:2013-07-25 发布日期:2013-07-24
  • 通讯作者: 齐向东,副主任医师,Tel:(020)88654523,E-mail:qixdcn@
  • 作者简介:吴胜林(1986-),女,安徽安庆人,硕士研究生,主要研究方向:整形外科数字化,Tel:(020)88653529
  • 基金资助:

    国家自然科学基金(81041059);广东省自然科学基金(10151001002000011);广东省教育部产学研结合项目(2012B091100472) 国家高技术研究发展计划(2012AA021105)

Preliminary research on the morphological classification of neonatal auricle

WU Sheng-lin1, QI Xiang-dong1, ZHAO Hui1, QIN Jian-zeng2, ZHONG Shi-zhen2   

  1. 1.Graduate School of Southern Medical University, Guangzhou 510515;  2. Department of Plastic Surgery, General Hospital of Guangzhou Military Command of PLA, Guangzhou 510010;3. Department of Anatomy, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou 510515, China
  • Received:2013-03-01 Online:2013-07-25 Published:2013-07-24


目的 初步了解东莞地区新生儿耳廓畸形的形态学分型及其发生率,获得新生儿耳廓测量数据。  方法    用人体测量仪对东莞厚街医院出生一周以内的321例新生儿两耳耳廓的长、宽等指标进行测量,并拍摄照片。根据耳廓畸形诊断标准,判断形态学分型,得到各类型的发生率,两耳和性别间差异及耳廓测量数据。  结果    321例新生儿中存在8种耳廓畸形的形态学分型,分别是招风耳、杯状耳、垂耳、Stahl’s耳、环缩耳、Conchal Crus、耳轮畸形和复合畸形,其中招风耳发生率为3.74%,杯状耳2.18%,垂耳5.61%,Stahl’s耳2.49%, 环缩耳13.40%,Conchal Crus6.07 %,耳轮畸形5.92 %,复合畸形4.05%。右耳Conchal Crus发生率较高,女婴耳轮畸形发生率较高。  结论    新生儿耳廓畸形发生率较高,国内外耳廓畸形分型诊断存在差异,需要开展多中心合作研究来确定中国新生儿耳廓畸形定量化诊断。

关键词:  , 耳廓, 测量, 耳廓畸形


Objective To understand morphological classification and the incidence of neonatal auricular deformities,and obtain neonatal auricular measurement data.  Methods With human body measurement instrument, we measured length, breadth and other items of newborns' Ear, and tookpictures of their both ears. In total we measured 321 newborns who were born in the Hospital of Dongguan Houjie within a week. According to the diagnostic criteria of auricular deformities, we determinde morphological classification, obtained the incidence of various types, differences between left and right, gender differences, and measurement data. Results There were eight morphological classifications in 321 newborns. They were Prominent ear, Cup ear, Lop ear , Stahl's ear, Constricted ear, Conchal crus, Helical rim deformity, and Mixed ear deformity. The incidence of Prominent ear was 3.74%, Cup ear 2.18%, Lop ear 5.61%, Stahl's ear 2.49%, Constricted ear 13.40%, Conchal crus 6.07%, Helical rim deformity 5.92%, Mixed ear deformity 4.05%. Compared with the left ear, the incidence of conchal crus of right ear was higher. The incidence of Helical rim deformity of female baby was higher than that of male baby. Conclusion The incidence of neonatal auricular deformities is high. There are differences of diagnostic classification of auricular deformities between home and abroad. We need to carry out multi-center cooperative research to determine the quantitative diagnosis of auricular deformities of Chinese newborns.

Key words: Auricle , Measurment, Auricular deformities
